How a ParaNetic Motor Works
First Motor Ever Built Powered by the ParaNetic Magnetic Field

Version 4.0 Prototype
30% Power Test
Motor Built by the USD School of Engineering - Powered by the ParaNetic Magnetic Field

Version 4.1 Prototype
30% Power Test

Dual Pole Magnetic Field.
Unlike an ordinary permanent magnet which is made up of a physical object having a single north and south pole, the ParaNetic magnet is not a physical object and is best described as a “projected” or “virtual magnet”. In addition to it not being physical, a ParaNetic magnet has two north poles with a single south pole sandwiched in-between.

Because the ParaNetic magnetic is projected into space, you can fly another magnet attached to a control rod from one end of its magnetic field to the other uninterrupted. If the magnet passing through the ParaNetic field happens to be an electromagnet, its polarity can be switched during its flight causing it to accelerate all the way through the field.

An unlimited number of ParaNetic magnets can be linked together in either a straight line or a circle creating the foundation for building both linear and circular motors.

There are a number of different electric motor designs in existence today including brushed, brushless, and induction. Each of them has a similar design issue in that they use only one side of magnetic field generated by their electromagnets.

In looking at this example of a linear motor, at first glance it would appear that the ParaNetic design has the same issue in that the electromagnetic is only using one side of its field.

However something very special happens once the electromagnetic is placed between two ParaNetic magnets. Both sides of the electromagnet interact with the ParaNetic magnetic fields at the same time, one side attracts while the other side repels.

The ability of the electromagnet to use both of its fields simultaneously (attracting and repelling) in combination with the ParaNetic magnetic field is the foundation for building a ParaNetic motor.

Version 3 ParaNetic Prototype Motor Driving a Generator

Shown Below is an Early Version of the ParaNetic Motor
in a 10% of Maximum Power - Propeller Stability Test
Don't be fooled by the strobing effect of the camera that makes it look like it was spinning slowly. Also, the thrust is pointed upward pushing the motor down, otherwise we would have had liftoff.